
What We Offers

Eye-Catching Design


The impact and influence of the proper decoration cannot be underestimated and they play a very important role in enhancing the mood and set a perfect ambience for any type of event. he type of decoration indicates the importance of an event and its significance

Crafted With Love


The decorative arts are arts or crafts whose object is the design and manufacture of objects that are both beautiful and functional. It includes interior design, but not usually architecture. The decorative arts are often categorized in distinction to the “fine arts”, namely painting, drawing, photography, and large-scale sculpture, which generally produce objects solely for their aesthetic quality and capacity to stimulate the intellect.

Perfectioned In Style


Often confused with contemporary style, today’s modern style is actually based on a design movement that was birthed around the turn of the 20th century. Modern style furnishings and decor celebrate natural materials, neutral or earthy colors, and the elimination of unnecessary detailing

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Construction & Structural Design

Structural system, in building construction, the particular method of assembling and constructing structural elements of a building so that they support and transmit applied loads safely to the ground without exceeding the allowable stresses in the members. Basic types of systems include bearing-wall, post-and-lintel, frame, membrane, and suspension. They fall into three major categories: low-rise, high-rise, and long-span. Systems for long-span buildings (column-free spaces of more than 100 feet, or 30 metres) include tension and compression systems (subject to bending) and funicular systems, which are shaped to experience either pure tension or pure compression. Bending structures include the girder and two-way grids and slabs. Funicular structures include cable structures, membrane structures, and vaults and domes
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